Sunday, November 25, 2012

Six Months: My Young Family

Miles has gained 10 ounces in 2 weeks by our home scale.  It must have been all that mashed potatoes and stuffing and bread and pie that Miles had over Thanksgiving!  (Or the formula).

Speaking of Thanksgiving, we held it here at our house for the Carscaddens and my mom and her partner, Ed.  As it was my first Thanksgiving acting as a host, nearly everything went wrong.  My turkey was done one and a half hours early!  Then it was a mad dash to cook all the sides with none of the ingredients having been prepared ahead of time!  When Jim and Susan and Schuyler arrived, I put them to work.  No easy, relaxed holiday celebration for you!  A very fun and hectic hour and half later we were sitting down to a delicious Thanksgiving dinner.  Talk about teamwork and family togetherness!

Today we introduced Miles to our annual family tradition of picking out ornaments and a christmas tree at a local garden center.  Since we're using a fake Christmas tree this year to prevent any baby mishaps, Miles just got to pick out an ornament and a wreath.  He picked an owl ornament!  Who would've guessed he'd want an owl ornament?

Mr. Carscadden, this week:

Punk rock bath baby bites ducky's head - mini
Ozzy Osbourne in training.

I'm in a basket.

I'm petting the cat.

I'm grabbing the cat! It's the most fun!

I'm holding my breath until you let me play with your phone!

Alpacas at the garden center.

New winter coat!


Standing on my own!

Baby loves mirrors.

What's that?

Are you new here?
(caption stolen from Chelsea).

Something's going on up there.

Baby feets.

Seriously, the best feeling in the world.

Baby face.

Sweetest baby face.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Six Months: Carry That Weight

There are only 3 percent of babies the same age as Miles that weigh less than Miles.  I wanted an exceptional kid but exceptionally thin wasn't really in the plan.  His six month check up went well overall but he remains very thin for his age.  His height is still close the the 50th percentile and his head circumference actually gained some percentiles this month.  But his weight dropped down to the 4th percentile.  Our new plan is adding a scoop of formula to the breast milk bottles he's getting at home.  The point, hopefully, is to make the breast milk more calorie rich - we're trying to get more bang for our buck.  Unfortunately, he's not really loving the new mix.  Our other plan is adding more calorie rich foods: avocado, eggs, oatmeal made with formula.  I just keep telling myself that he's super active, that he laughs often, and that his needs seem to be met.  He's choosing not to eat, despite the oversupply of milk I have and the variety of foods offered him.  

Miles has perfected his army crawl/shuffle so that he can pretty much traverse any distance when motivated.  Some common motivations are our iphones, the computer, computer wires, shoes, cats, and sunglasses.  Toys, oh yeah - sometimes he'll move purposefully toward a toy.  I think that just reinforces the idea that children really don't need all those special things designed for them.  He loves tupperware.  (His musical play mat and his activity saucer are pretty key to our sanity, though).

My skinny minny this week:

Does this ball have calories? Maybe I can fit it in my mouth!

That other one didn't fit - maybe this one will.

Vaccines make me grumpy!

Ready to enter this cold harsh world.

I'm standing. On my own. I'm kind of all grown up.

Miles - 6 months old. Brooks - 3 months old.

Who is that guy?

Nice to meet you!

Less than the third percentile and
greater than the 90th percentile for their ages respectively


Forget these eggs!
I bet this plate makes a loud noise when it hits the floor!

Miles draws a lot of attention when we're grocery shopping.
You would not believe the ridiculous faces people make at cute babies.


Gimme that phone!

There's not much that beats the feeling of his sleepy weight on me.

Here's a new segment called "Caption this Photo."  Funniest caption gets added to the Caption this Photo Hall of Fame.  Please note the subtle black stick he's holding in his right hand.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Six months!

As the cold air of late autumn settled on Baltimore at the beginning of this week, we headed out to the polls, early in the morning, the nip of the air on our cheeks.  Our family is very happy with the outcomes of both the national election and our local Maryland issues.  I am happy to live in a country where our leader is doing his best to protect women's health and women's rights, something that is near and dear to me not just as a woman but as a healthcare provider to needy, inner city, women.  And I'm even prouder that my son hopefully won't know the widespread discrimination that the gay population has faced in my lifetime, just like I barely knew of racism growing up.  I am proud to live in a state that has passed a referendum to allow all people to marry the one they love.  And I'm put at ease to know that if my son is gay, he's going to grow up and know that not only will his family accept him, but that his rights will protected by the law as well.

Enough with politics: Baby Miles can crawl!  Well, army crawl that is:

Miles has been lagging a tad in his verbalization but this week he's started throwing a "ba" and a "ma" and a "da" in the mix of squeals, grunts and giggles.  The little things really excite us.  It used to be we were entertained by movies, dinners out, parties and the occasional night at the club.  Now it's "ba" and an army crawl.

Miles K. Carscadden, six months:

I'm a happy baby!

Whatchoo doin'?

Hands and knees, on the verge of crawling.

Spinning ring, fascinating.

Super baby voted!

Drooly baby voted.

So, I'm wearing a dress? I live in Maryland. Get over it.

It's early morning.  What do I like to do?

Morning screams!



Ready to go vote!

Read me this book!

It's cold outside and I look so silly.

Oh, hello!

I'm in a box and I'm cute!

Still in a box.

Trippy, right?