Potty Training!
We're doing it. Well, I should say, Lucas and I have mastered the art of using the toilet some years ago. Miles, on the other hand... He now has peeing down to a science. He can hold his urine for an absurdly long time. Absurdly. Like, 12 hours. He often wakes up dry overnight and one day he refused to use the potty for about 8 or 10 hours. But we've got a rhythm down and now he goes almost as soon as he sits on the toilet. And we sit him on the toilet at certain times during the day: first thing in the morning, before going out of the house, before and after naps, and before bed.
This does not hold true for the other end of things, though. Who knows when it will click for him. Everyone says poop training is harder and even though we've only been at it for a little more than a week, it seems like he'll never get it. We just get daily poops in his underwear. I never thought I'd prefer diapers. For poop, I certainly do. But we're not going back! We're not going back! One part of the problem is that the opportunity for learning is so infrequent. How can he learn if it happens only once a day? I'm sure he'll get it, but right now we're totally hating the number 2.
And now that I've updated you on the ins and outs (ha ha, outs) of our son's bladder and bowels, here are our pictures and video from this month:
Just hanging with this turtle |
Cutie pie |
Someone loves stickers |
Miles' friend at sing along |
Future archaeologist |
Ladybug boy. The science museum is fun! |
All you need to be an astronaut is this flimsy cloth helmet. |
We spy on our kid as he sleeps.
It's creepy. |
We went to Camden yards. Miles found this Oriole. |