At 23 months Miles has been walking for more months than he didn't walk. He's also been talking longer than he hasn't. In the very beginning, I remember thinking that I couldn't wait for these milestones to come, and I was excited when they did. And I get excited each day as the complexity of his language develops and his motor skills refine. I'm not wistful for days gone by. I'm happy to watch his life unfold. He's nearly two years old. I'm excited to watch him continue to gain skills and develop emotions.
He has strong character. He pushes limits, as all toddlers do, but he's rarely unmanageable in that way. It's rare that I'm at the end of my rope, but unfortunately those times usually coincide with when he's at the end of his. Five pm can be a trying time in this house.
But the love in our family fills our house. When I'm out for a night, I want to come home and wake him because I miss him that much. And Lucas and my love has grown in the presence of Miles. We're a tight unit.
Here is the our happy little unit this month:
Crossword King |
Kids are weird. |
Who needs blocks? |
Oreo. Like manna from heaven. |
It's zoo season! |
You can't tell but he's digging for worms. |
Superhero pizza night aka Thursdays. |
Careful Superman, it's not like you can fly or anything. |
Train gang. |
New neighborhood mascot. |
"Mama, peas howd two bottis." |
Okay. |
Cutie shark face |
Why not? |
We might be the worst parents. But he did want his shirt like this for the next 15 minutes. |
Science museum fun |
Water table at the science museum. |
Birthday date night! |
"Gamps" and "Mi-wes" |
Some mornings he just wants to wear a helmet. |
So we indulge him. |
It's spring time! |
No really, spring has sprung! |
New spring shoes! |
He's dressed in a towel toga because he had just thrown up. And the feeding struggles continue. |
What's that on your arm. A tattoo? Oh, yeah. It's no big deal. |
I like his little helmet. And his little tattoo. And reading about him. "The adventures of Miles"