Friday, May 11, 2018

Dear Miles,

You are six. You made it!

This year brought kindergarten and a swtch to Montessori education. The transition to a new school environment, as most transitions for you, was rough. We started meeting with a play therapist. She's been a great addition to our lives. She helps Dad and me and you make better decisions. Better decisions about playing with friends and school work and bedtime.

You are wicked smart. Deeply fascinated in science. A pro builder with legos. You are weirdly wonderful. You make great faces, have great dance moves, and are really into weird and cool things. Today, you were acting out the stages of an instect's lifecycle, including crawling around on the floor covered by a blanket as if you were a grub. And ultimately, although every parent has challenges with their children, you are an inherently good and sweet child. I don't see any malice in your personality. It's super refreshing. You are a breath of fresh air.

I hope you continue to delve deep into topics. I hope you remain openly vulnerable and kind and weird. I hope we can continue to work through each new challenge and try to make good choices.

I love you. I grow with you. I grow with the challenges you present to me.

Thank you for being who you are and making me who I am.

I love you, my little weirdo (meant in the best way possible).


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