Soon after you were born, I remember thinking that I was so proud to have kept you alive for one month. And at six weeks, your dad and I thought you were such an old baby. And now, seven years have passed.
You're seven years old!
In three years, I'll be marveling at how you are 10. But for now, 7 seems so old. You are truly a fully formed person. You've got eye rolls and sarcasm and opinions.
Your days are a morass of scheduled events. Piano practice every day except Fridays and Saturdays, martial arts on Tuesday afternoons, piano lessons on Wednesday afternoons, Science Club on Friday afternoons. Therapy every other Wednesday afternoon (before piano lesson). Doctor's appointments. Spelling tests. Neighborhood events (birthdays and block parties and biking and pretending). It goes on and on.
This, like every other year, has been a year of firsts. Reading! Bike riding - no training wheels! Swimming! Therapy! ADHD diagnosis! Video game obsession!
We let you get this video game at Christmas. I don't know if you've heard of it - it's called Minecraft. And it is a part of our daily dialogue. What is so special about the building nature of this game though, is that I can see the physical manifestations of your magnificent brain. Your creations are mind blowing. Truly. Thanks, Minecraft, for a peek into the inner workings of my son's cerebrum. With the uptick of Minecraft conversations, we've seen the disappearance of MegaMiles, a character with a deep backstory and expansive mythology. We will miss you MegaMiles.
School remains a challenge, but we think the medication we started a few months ago has helped you concentrate in the mornings. We love your teacher, Ms. Shelley. She works really hard to help you control your mind and body at school. School is good for you; new ideas come tumbling out of you nearly every day. Learning to read has expanded your world. Your brother loves that you read and loves for you to read to him.
In fact, you've built a pretty strong bond with your brother over the last year. You each think the other is so funny. Will really adores you. It's nice to see you read to him, share with him, and laugh with him.
You've never been much of a snuggler, at least not for me. (Your dad swears you were always a good snuggler for him). Although I do appreciate a good snuggle, you are excellent at showing your affection in other ways. When we sit near each other, you move your body so our backs touch, or your leg touches mine. Sometimes, especially in the evening, when you're weary from your long day, from your unending activities, you sigh out, "I love you, mom." And in those moments, I have no doubt that you really, really do.
Miles, my first born son, you made me into a mother just before mother's day. And you push and challenge me each day as I grow and evolve as a mother. I hope you don't have any doubt that I love you. Because I really, really do.
That's wonderful.