Miles has started to smile but it's elusive. The following are all attempts to capture his smile - all to no avail. But the resulting faces are still pretty great.
When my mother was in town for the first few weeks after Miles was born we attempted to go to a Red Sox/Orioles game. We chose a midweek game in the early afternoon with the hopes that it would be low key enough that we could bring a two week old and still enjoy the game. We miscalculated. We got seats in the upper deck, in the second row, in the sun. To avoid sun exposure we started seat hopping higher up in the upper deck under the overhang. Much to our dismay, the day we chose to go to the game was also the day that many of the city schools took a field trip to the park. The result was that we were surrounded by hundreds and hundreds of school children who screamed at every hit and chanted "Let's go O's" at all other times. The noise was deafening. And my postpartum hormone surges and my mothering instinct kicked in. I started crying and told my mother and Lucas we had to leave. We made it through 3/4 of an inning - I felt so guilty.
I don't want having a baby to upend our lives in a way that makes it so we don't leave the house. With that in mind, I'm thinking of attempting another midweek, early afternoon game. But this time we'd be on the club level with the old folk. Because, don't you know it, the only game that fits the bill is a summer camp field trip day! Here's what we got to protect little Miles' ears:
And here are the other few random pictures from the last few days:
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Look at that little foot! |
Those half-smiles are super-duper cute. I can only imagine how radical a full-on smile will be.