Miles has started to meet some major milestones. Lucas: Or should you say MILESstones? No, no, you shouldn't. He easily holds his head steady and upright. He can do a mini pushup while on his belly and lift his head and turn it side to side. He holds his hands together and sometimes brings them to his mouth to suck on them. He has started to squeal in delight in the morning.
He's also finding new things entertaining. Granny Carscadden made him a mobile that we hung above his crib. He finds it endlessly fascinating when we give it a little spin. If he's crying we can bring him into his room to look at his animal friends - vinyl applications of animals and letters that we applied to the wall.
His fussiness seems to be waning. This week he's even been able to fall asleep a few times without being wrapped up. We've started a bedtime routine that involves a bath, breastfeeding, a book and bed. If I lay down with him in the evening he often goes right off to sleep without a fuss!
This week also marks the longest times Lucas and I have been away from him. Last Friday night I went to dinner with some friends in Northern Virginia and was gone for 5 hours. Lucas worked a long shift on Saturday and was away for 8 hours.
I go back to work in a little under two weeks and when I think about it, I'm not super concerned but my subconscious would tell you otherwise! I've been having bad dreams about work - forgetting to bring my pump with me to work and having to birth an unknown twin without having any maternity leave left! But in reality I think we're ready. I've built up a pretty good supply of frozen breast milk and although the first couple weeks may be difficult, we'll adjust.
Weekly Miles photos for your pleasure:
Fatface Carscadden |
Enjoying his crib |
Baby bath and modesty facecloth |
Fascinated by the mobile! |
Sometimes Miles is really active in the morning. This series of pictures is entitled Riding the Boppy Roller coaster.
A boppy roller coaster huh? |
Here we go... |
Too much! Too fast! |
Slow down! |
I'm getting nauseated! |
Well, that was fun! |
He's so gosh darned cute, even when he's flipping me off in his sleep!
Sometimes I accidentally scratch the little man when I'm changing his clothes. Here he is doing his best impression of Harry Potter.
This series is called Superbaby!
Excuse me citizen! Have you seen any ne'erdowells? |
No, you haven't? Alright, I'm off! |
This week we put together an activity saucer that is a touch to big for the little man. Even though it's intended for babies 4 months old and older, we still put Miles in it and he is FASCINATED with the lion! He will stare at him endlessly.
Whatcho lookin at? |
Hey dude! |
Hey dude, I'm talking to you! |
Another cute smile! |