This week was a big week. Our first black out. Meeting relatives for the first time. Our first poop explosion. Little man has been smiling all over town this week and even wooed his Aunts at his grandparents house. And I captured a smile - or two!
And a grumpy face for good measure!

I never would have expected before I had a baby that another person's poop would consume my thoughts as much as it did this week. It's strange that over an 8 week period a baby's poop patterns could change so dramatically. Our little man went from 8 poops a day to essentially calling a moratorium on pooping this week. Two days passed, no poop. I thought for sure day three or even day four would be fruitful. Alas, singing songs about where his poop had gone, how I wanted his poop (we've become depraved in this house) and how he's full of ... poop did not produce any results. Before this week, Miles was known affectionately as Miles K. Carscadden, CEO of Poopy Diaper Industries and now the shareholders were getting restless. Finally, day five at 5am, this morning, we had production. I was relaxed. He was relaxed. All was good. And then, 9am, overproduction. He produced all over his left thigh and calf, his onesie, the duvet cover, the changing mat, Lucas' hand the outside of his diaper! The outside of his diaper! The shareholders would like a more regular schedule as they can't currently afford the costs of a cleanup of that magnitude every five days.
And here is your weekly dose of Miles K. Carscadden, CEO of Poopy Diaper Industries.
Starting to cry |
Crying |
And asleep in 30 seconds |
Baby's first blackout |
Upside down owl bracelet rattle courtesy of our good friend Meredith |
Rawr! Shark onesie! |
Baby eyelashes! |
Dudes sitting |
Miles just started caring about this activity mat. He loves it! |
I wish I had a shark onesie. Miles is really living every week like it's Shark Week.