I know that everyone says that kids grow so fast and that in a blink of an eye they're grown. This week that sentiment holds true. In a blink of an eye he's pulling himself up and standing against any vertical surface, including the walls. Now he's attempting to balance without holding on. Oh yeah, he can walk (albeit in a
herky jerky way) behind his ride along truck or holding our hands. Lucas and I have commented that we totally missed the milestone of his being able to sit up from lying down because it came around the same time as the pulling himself up milestone (which admittedly felt huge at the time).
Our kid is totally a crawler now. I feel comfortable saying he can crawl. For a while he was taking three or four coordinated strides in the elevated crawl position before dropping to the army crawl but now he's definitely crawling. He utilizes the army crawl too and maybe even more often. But crawling has definitely entered the mix.
I'm still pumping all day and breastfeeding him only at bedtime and in the wee hours of the morning. I'm a little done with all this pumping but I won't quit before his 8 month check-up at the end of next week. At this point, I think if straight-up formula was a better option for him to gain weight more quickly I would be willing to stop pumping. But I had some major meltdowns last week when I thought my milk supply was drying up. I can tell this whole breast milk dilemma is going to weigh heavily on me no matter which way we slice it.
Following Christmas I am now the owner of an iPad. Miles and I have been facetime chatting with my mother. It's pretty cool. He's fascinated by the whole process but obviously doesn't really understand it yet. It's nice that my mother can watch Miles' development in real time.
New years eve we went to the aquarium. It was packed! Apparently everyone who had a kid and the day off went to the aquarium. Miles enjoyed the fish and people watching equally. I'm excited to go back on a weekday when everyone is at work!
Our kid, moving on up in the new year:
I love my baby boy.
He loves my necklace. |
Japan(blocks)! |
Baby Godzilla destroys Japan(blocks)! |
Awkward family portrait! |
I like your shoes! |
Cutest. Baby. Ever. |
Baby sizes up floor-clean-o-bot. |
That guy is always following me around! |
Aquarium! |
Jellies at the National Aquarium |
Are you ready for this jelly? |
Guitar butt |
Now I know who stole my sock! |
Crawling! |
I'm coming for you! |
Apparently it's time to reinstall those safety straps. |
I'm eating noodles and broccoli!
ahh! he is getting so big and every time i check this blog it makes me miss you guys so much