Before we decided to get pregnant I thought long and hard about whether I really wanted children. They're a lot of work. And there have been times since Miles was born that I was nervous about taking care of him by myself. When Lucas is at work it's often in the evenings and evenings tend to be babies' worst times. Recently, though, I feel like taking care of Miles is so much fun. He's interested in everything and when he's grumpy it's usually just for a little while. His giggle is probably my favorite thing in the world.
Maybe I'm saying this because we had such a good day today at swim lessons and hanging out with friends. If I recall correctly I did make Lucas come home from work early on Wednesday because I was exhausted, had back pain, and Miles wouldn't go back to sleep after he woke up the first time in the evening.
Lucas and I are both really looking forward to Miles starting to talk. He seems like he's closer now than ever before to saying "mama" and "dada." I mean, what's left to do once he's mastered walking, except talking? He's even closer being able to really walk now; he's more confident with his steps and has moved himself 3-4 feet a few times.
It's the more subtle things about Miles that amaze me. Like how he always looks for the cat when he can't see him anymore (and often finds him). He'll be standing by a table in his room, the cat was there and now can't be seen. Miles will duck down, head cocked to the side, look under the table and squeal in delight for having found the cat.
Sometimes it's Miles' persistence that makes me smile. He's not one to leave a problem half fixed. If the problem is that the wash cloths are in the basket and really they belong on the floor, then you better believe that every last wash cloth is on the floor before he's done. He's clever, he works hard at puzzles, and he finds solutions, even if they're not the most efficient ones.
After months of agonizing over what potential effects Miles' weight might have on his development, I can finally say I'm at peace with it. He's simply perfect.
Here's our little cutie pie this week:
At the aquarium, making friends with dolphins. |
Miles would like to reach the cat.
He thinks his foot will do the job. |
Hello! |
Wherever he goes, chaos follows. |
Bath hair! |
There were some nice days this week. |
Miles and his friend Frankie. Who knew they were swingers? |
Yeah. That's a 3-6month sized outfit on our 9 month old. |
That is some good hall-walking!