Saturday, September 1, 2012

16 weeks

Success!  Baby Miles is now sleeping unswaddled.  Next up, the pacifier.  I don't think that's going to go as easily.

I had been worried about Miles' "talking." I had read that by now he should be making vowel sounds and as of last week his vocalizations were mostly crying and grunting.  This week, we hit the cooing stage.  He moves his tongue all around making all different sorts of noises, he starts really soft and increases his volume, he tells me stories while latching and unlatching during breastfeeding.

He also has started reaching for things this week. Including my face.  And everything he reaches for goes right in his mouth.  Including my face.  Of note, nearly four-month-olds don't have a sense that they shouldn't try to dig out your eyeballs.

Me: Lucas, do you like staying home?
Lucas: Yeah.
Me: What's the worst part of being home?
Lucas: Sometimes, he gets a little overwhelming when he's fussy and I don't know why and I can't solve it. It's usually toward the end of the day.
Me: What's the best part of staying home?
Lucas: Probably going out to places with him. Showing him new stuff.
Me: Are you looking forward to any developmental stages?
Lucas: I'm looking forward to him developing a personality and being able to talk.
Me: Do you think you'll want to stay home for the foreseeable future?
Lucas: I don't know, I can't really answer that.  Maybe.
Me: Any comments about staying home generally? Is it harder or easier than you thought it would be?
Lucas: I'd say so far it's been easier than I thought it would be.  He sort of has three basic needs: hunger, sleepiness and boredom.  And, those are relatively easy to meet.  Except for the five minutes it takes to heat up a bottle when he's yelling at me the whole time.
Me: Do you miss work at all?
Lucas: No, I think I get enough at the part time job at the library, enough work-like activity.

Miles, week 16:

"Uncle" Dan stopped by last weekend for a visit

Miles helping me make the bed

Hoodie wearing party. Miles doesn't care for it one bit.

Hoodie in the trees

Hanging out in the crib - his play area

I know I'm biased, but look at him.
Cutest thing ever.

I gots feets!

Feets are the new hands

Feets, feets, feets.

Drunk baby tries to stay upright

Miles and Lucas visited me in the office for lunch.  Miles tried to touch every part of my face:

Angry baby waits for bottle to warm.
Perplexed dad plugs ears.

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