I'm currently updating the blog using our neighbor Julie's wifi (and I continued the update with Starbucks wifi and finally finished the update with the Grandparents Carscadden's wifi)! Our modem apparently died and we need to get a new one (which won't happen until tomorrow probably).
The good news: Miles gained 4 ounces in between his weigh-ins. Our goal was 3.5 ounces. So, apparently, the pumping and fortifying with formula plan works. The bad news is that our pediatrician wants us to continue this plan for the next three weeks until his 8 month weigh-in. And it's still really hard to get Miles to take food when he doesn't want it. I'm not looking forward to pumping all day long for the next three weeks.
There's more good news, though. I thought I wasn't making enough milk for Miles. However, he only takes in about 20 ounces a day on average (that's 12 ounces less than our pediatrician thinks he should be having at his age). That means I'm outpacing him by about 4-6 ounces in my milk supply daily. It also means our milk supply in the fridge is growing and growing. I'm currently 38 ounces ahead of him!
We've reinstated two breastfeeds a day: right before bed and in the wee hours of the morning. Lucas has been helping with the middle of the night feeds (10p and 1am) so that I can sleep and pump one of those times. That's been great for me! And, truly, this change is really good. Miles sleeps a whole lot longer now that he's getting more to eat - three to four hours at a time consistently now. It's helping my mental health not to be so sleep deprived all the time.
What is Miles doing with all these extra calories? Pulling up and getting ready to start walking!
Here is our cutest little guy this week:
I wasn't chewing on that string,
what makes you think that? |
I'm just lounging around in my pjs. |
Out to dinner, eating some food,
wearing a raccoon for a bib. |
Good gracious, I'm cute! |
You want a smelly sock? I found it here for you. |
I'm doing my best to eat! |
I can do it on my own! |
You want some? |
Who's the cutest? Me! |
You guys are gabbing over there and here I am
standing up on my own - one handed! |
That's right. This one handed standing deserves
a close up! |
It's possible that I'm the cutest book reader ever. |
Oooooh... Lights... |
Eatin' books is fun! Standing is fun! |
I fell down but I can still see you! |
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